We invite you to read our latest thoughts on the markets and financial planning topics. If you would like to be updated as we add new insights, please let us know or follow us on LinkedIn.

35 insights

Oct 10, 2024

Fourth Quarter Strategic Income Outlook

Credit indices rallied during the third quarter, despite a variety of economic headwinds, and it appears FOMO (fear of missing out) is fueling the bullish sentiment more than fundamentals.
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Sep 19, 2024

Changes to Inherited IRAs Promote Timely Opportunities

Navigating the rules related to inherited IRAs can be challenging. Recent IRS rulings changed how inherited IRAs are treated, so it is important to review how you are planning for or handling any inherited IRAs.
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Sep 10, 2024

Reading the Tea Leaves (Ep. 2) – Consumer & Industrial Sectors

In the second episode of “Reading the Tea Leaves,” Director of Private Client Chris Zand moderates a discussion with Nael Fakhry and Greg Hermanski, portfolio managers for the Growth & Income Strategy, where they discuss themes they are seeing in the Consumer and Industrial sectors of the economy.
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Aug 19, 2024

It's a Market of Bonds, Not a Bond Market

Watch Craig Manchuck, Portfolio Manager for Strategic Income, discuss the differences in the investment grade and high yield markets and why it is critical to carefully evaluate each bond as a potential investment.
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Jul 31, 2024

Quarterly Webinar Replay

If you were unable to join our quarterly webinar on July 25, watch the replay to hear updates from Portfolio Managers John Osterweis, Nael Fakhry, Greg Hermanski, and Carl Kaufman. During the webinar, Chris Zand moderated a discussion about recent market activity and trends, portfolio positioning, and the investment team's outlook.
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Jul 17, 2024

Third Quarter Equity Outlook

As the U.S. evolved from a goods economy to a services economy, expansionary cycles more than doubled in length. But a recent resurgence in manufacturing may be taking us back to the future.
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Jul 11, 2024

Third Quarter Strategic Income Outlook

As we survey the economic landscape, we are reminded of Otis Redding’s classic hit, which is all about patience. “Looks like nothing’s gonna change, everything still remains the same.”
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Jun 26, 2024

Reading the Tea Leaves (Ep. 1) – The AI Arms Race

In the first episode of "Reading the Tea Leaves," Director of Private Client Chris Zand moderates a discussion with Nael Fakhry and Greg Hermanski, portfolio managers for the Growth & Income Strategy, where they discuss the implications of the massive investment in artificial intelligence by mega cap technology companies.
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May 29, 2024

A Single Source for Both Income and Capital Appreciation?

The Osterweis Growth & Income strategy is designed to deliver equity-like returns while also providing consistent and growing income. Using a flexible and conservative — but somewhat unconventional combination of assets — we have created a single solution that addresses multiple investment objectives and also limits volatility and tax exposure.
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May 10, 2024

Business Breakdowns Podcast - Interview with Nael Fakhry

Listen to a recent interview with Nael Fakhry on the Colossus "Business Breakdowns" podcast, where he discusses what makes AMETEK a Quality Growth company.
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Apr 17, 2024

Second Quarter Equity Outlook

Industry consolidation has become commonplace over the past few decades, making scale a critical factor when we evaluate which companies are best positioned to compete.
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Apr 12, 2024

Patience Pays: Leaning Into the Inverted Yield Curve

We have always maintained it is better to accept what the market has on offer than to stretch for returns. Thanks to the inverted yield curve and our flexible mandate, the current environment is making it easier than ever to be patient while we wait for fat pitches.
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Apr 11, 2024

Second Quarter Strategic Income Outlook

Despite elevated interest rates, economic conditions improved throughout the first quarter, creating a favorable near- to medium-term outlook.
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Apr 8, 2024

Are Investors Walking a Tightrope with the Mag 7?

Over the past several years, investors have been rewarded by investing in the Magnificent 7-dominated S&P 500. Perhaps they should consider a different approach going forward.
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Apr 5, 2024

Are You Taking Advantage of Tax-Free Gifting?

Do you consider gifting to loved ones or others as part of your wealth management planning? Many people overlook the power of the annual gift exclusion as an easy way to make tax-free gifts as well as reduce one’s estate. With the increase in the gift tax exclusion in 2024, an individual can gift up to $18,000 to as many people as they would like without it impacting their lifetime gift exclusion.
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Apr 3, 2024

Cash from Trash: Renewable Natural Gas

Innovation and growth may not be the first words that come to investors’ minds when thinking about the waste management industry, but they should be.
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Jan 24, 2024

First Quarter Equity Outlook

The Fed has been walking a tightrope for a while now, trying to tame inflation without crashing the economy. The data was encouraging throughout 2023, and we may soon find out if the central bank has actually engineered immaculate disinflation.
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Jan 16, 2024

First Quarter Strategic Income Outlook

The market performed well in 2023, but inflation will likely remain a top concern for both the Fed and investors throughout the new year.
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Jan 2, 2024

Inherited IRA Withdrawal Process: Optimizing Financial Legacies

When it comes to managing financial portfolios and planning for your future, there will be many unique challenges and opportunities. Leveraging Inherited Individual Retirement Accounts can help you preserve and transfer wealth across generations.
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Nov 13, 2023

Wealth Management Checklist

Is there a gap in your financial plan? Are you wondering if you are on track to meet your wealth management goals? Download our checklist to find out.
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Sep 19, 2023

Catching the Wave: Why Secular Growth Matters

In our view, the specific market dynamics that influence a company's sales growth prospects have a greater impact on equity returns than the overall direction of the economy.
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Aug 31, 2023

Artificial Intelligence: A Seismic Secular Growth Opportunity

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been top-of-mind for investors for much of 2023, fueling a strong rally in the S&P 500. While it may take time for AI to have a similar impact on small cap stocks, we share the market’s enthusiasm and believe AI has the potential to become one of the most disruptive secular growth trends ever.
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Jul 13, 2023

Focus on Dividend Growth, Not Dividend Yield

Dividends have historically played an important role in shareholder returns. In our view, companies that pay growing cash dividends also tend to reinvest in themselves, which can drive growth in cash flow and provide attractive returns with less volatility over time.
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Jun 30, 2023

Five Benefits of Setting Up a Trust

A trust can be an important part of your overall estate plan and a way to ensure your loved ones and assets are protected for the entirety of your life and beyond. We outline what we believe are some of the top benefits of adding a trust to your estate planning portfolio.
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May 25, 2023

Ignoring the Noise and Focusing on Return on Invested Capital

What drives return on invested capital (ROIC), and why should this metric matter to a long-term investor? We believe that understanding a company and its industry structure is imperative to determining the trajectory of ROIC, which dictates whether a company will generate attractive returns over time.
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Sep 26, 2022

20 Years of Common Sense Investing: Our Top 5 Principles

We have always believed that common sense is the key to successful investing. Since launching our Strategic Income Strategy two decades ago, our straightforward, flexible approach has allowed us to navigate all types of markets and consistently deliver strong risk-adjusted returns over time.
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Aug 24, 2022

Strategic Income Strategy: Built to Withstand Challenging Markets

2022 has been a tough year for fixed income, as the Fed tightening cycle, inflation, and recession fears have all weighed heavily on markets. We believe the Osterweis Strategic Income strategy is well-positioned to address these types of challenges, as its flexible mandate and defensive approach help to protect against rising rates and market volatility.
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Aug 23, 2022

A Solutions-Based Investing Approach

There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to investing, which is why we focus on our clients’ unique needs when developing our investment strategies.
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Jan 5, 2022

In Search of Upside: Finding Opportunities in Small Cap Growth

Small cap growth stocks lagged for most of 2021 as the market simultaneously dealt with the pandemic, inflation, and tightening Fed policy. Given these challenges, we have been focusing on high quality companies trading at attractive valuations, and we have also been looking at non-technology businesses that are embracing digitization.
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Dec 7, 2021

The Power of Tax-Efficient Compounding

With day trading making headlines, it seems that many investors have lost focus on the value of a buy-and-hold approach. We explain why it may make sense to harness the potential power of tax-efficient compounding when it comes to long-term wealth creation.
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Mar 31, 2021

Price Makers, Share Gainers, and Compounding Machines: Three Quality Business Models

Defining a quality business is easier said than done. We have found that the highest quality businesses either consistently exercise pricing power while maintaining market share or consistently grow market share by undercutting incumbents. A choice few companies we call “compounding machines” can both raise price and increase market share.
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Dec 28, 2020

Back to (the New) Normal: Five Secular Growth Trends for 2021

The coronavirus pandemic is a once-in-a-lifetime event that transformed society and the economy almost overnight. We believe some of the most significant changes are likely here to stay, and we are focusing our investments on the secular growth trends we expect to strengthen as life returns to normal.
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Dec 7, 2020

The Case for Waste: Finding Growth in Garbage

Although investors don’t normally think about trash when they’re looking for growth stocks, we believe the solid waste industry is well-positioned to outperform. In our view, the combination of high barriers to entry, stable demand, and opportunities for consolidation should provide reliable revenue growth for the foreseeable future.
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Aug 14, 2020

A Bright Future for Renewables: Lower Costs and Rising Demand

Following decades of investment and cost reduction, electricity from renewable energy should be cheaper than most existing fossil- and nuclear-fueled electricity within the next three-to-five years. We believe selectively investing in operators with scale and cost advantages in this sector should be rewarding given the increasing demand for clean energy.
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Jul 8, 2020

Steepening the (Adoption) Curve: Covid-19 and Digital Transformation

In the era of social distancing, technology has become even more integrated into our personal and professional lives. We believe this trend will persist even after the pandemic passes, and we expect it will particularly benefit firms that support remote working arrangements and eCommerce, two areas where we anticipate accelerating adoption and sustained growth.
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